Best Plants to Grow in the Month of July

There’s a saying that goes - timing is everything - that holds very true when it comes to planting. Determining which plant to plant when is essential and comes in handy for a gardener. That’s why we bring you the best 5 plants that are likely to thrive and survive the heat of July. Scroll down to know all about them.

Best Plants to Grow in the Month of July

Hardy Geranium

Hardy Geranium is a stupendous flowering plant that is easy to grow, long-flowering and ideal to decorate the landscape. Its saucer-shaped flowers, featuring purple veins, a bold white centre and fresh green foliage, open up from July to October. This flowering plant is fairly hardy in summers and would require a little extra care to produce fresh and vibrant blooms. Just expose them to bright sunlight, well-drained moist soil & daytime temperature and you will enjoy a burst of eye-catching blooms all season long.


The fact that succulents will thrive where most of the plants will wither is not hidden. Since succulents can store abundant water in their leaves, roots and stems, they are able to survive dry periods effortlessly. Rest, they are eye-catching, decorative, drought-tolerant and extremely easy to care for. Just give them adequate attention and they are good to go all year round.

Moss Rose

The rose lookalike, July is a great time to plant Moss Rose. The plant is best planted in the Spring and is quite easy & quick to grow. The plants will die annually at the end of the growing season, but they do produce seeds to help them germinate and sprout the next year. The flower is also a popular choice for landscape gardens.


Though these cheerful and colourful blooms are classic cool-weather flowers, if you live in an area with a mild climate, you can sow the seeds of pansies in July to get blossoms in winter. While they are usually sown in the autumn to benefit from the cool soils, they can do well in the month of July when provided the right attention. After you have sown the seeds, keep them in dark and don’t forget to water them from time to time.


Marigolds are tough-as-nails flowering plants that will stay strong until they hard freeze. Since the flowers are available in bright shades of yellow, orange, gold and even white, they look stupendous in every garden setting. Plant them in well-drained soil, give them space from other houseplants, water them well and watch them paint your casa spectacularly.