Top 7 Healing Plants to Surround Yourself With

Plants are the gift of nature that absorb the carbon dioxide we exhale and provide oxygen in return. They help reduce stress and have a positive effect on health. Research suggests that indoor air quality is ten times more polluted than the outdoor air that results in several diseases. Therefore, adding healing plants to home will keep these diseases at bay and help transform the interiors in a beautiful way.

Top 7 Healing Plants to Surround Yourself With

The healing medicinal plants have strong antibacterial properties that are used in treating common ailments, such as headache, stomach discomfort or skin irritation. They are consumed in teas, used for garnishing in dishes or the production of essential oils. The medicinal plants can effectively treat multiple health problems like diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders or may help in eliminating cancer cells as well. Read further to know about different types of medicinal plants and their several health benefits.

Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant that holds water in its fleshy leaves and can sustain extremely dry conditions. It is a popular, low-maintenance indoor plant that treats a wide array of health problems, such as reduces oral plaque, treats digestion problems, prevents wrinkles, acne and relieves sunburn.



Peppermint is a hybrid cross between watermint and spearmint indigenous to Europe & the Middle East. It is known to have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Some of the science-backed health benefits of peppermint tea and extracts are- it aids digestion, soothes tension headaches and migraines, freshens breath, relieves menstrual cramps and chest congestion.



Commonly known as Holy Basil, the Tulsi plant holds immense significance in the Hindu religion. It is grown for both religious and medicinal purposes. The pleasant, strong aroma of Tulsi keeps bacterial growth at bay. Known for its healing properties, Tulsi treats cough, indigestion, gives strength to fight stress and aids heart diseases and diabetes.



Lavender is a famous herb native to northern Africa and the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean. Known for its sweet aroma, lavender has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to treat anxiety, fungal infections, menstrual pain, nausea, eczema, hair loss among other conditions.

Gotu Kola


Commonly known as Centella or Asiatic pennywort, Gotu Kola is a herb in the parsley family. It is used in Traditional Chinese & Ayurvedic medicine. This medicinal plant has the power to treat bacterial or viral infections, boost brainpower, cure a common cold, heal skin issues, and promote kidney and liver health.



Dandelions are a family of flowering plants native to Eurasia & North America, which are grown in many parts of the world. They are admired for a wide array of medicinal properties like in the treatment of physical ailments, liver diseases, and digestive disorders. Dandelions are full of antioxidants that neutralize the negative effect of free radicals in the body.



Marigold is a herbaceous plant in the sunflower family native to North & South America. Marigold is a natural antiseptic that heals wounds, rashes, and itchiness. It is a perfect remedy for sore throats, mouth ulcers, and tonsillitis. The marigold tea is delicious and mildly detoxifying, which is consumed to nourish the skin and soothe the intestinal tract.

Bringing these medicinal plants home will offer a better atmosphere and help in curing several infections and diseases.